"I'm too BUSY!"

Were you "Inspired" yesterday? I was SO BLESSED by this conference yesterday, both in speaking and also listening to other fantastic teachers (and especially the BEST teacher- the Holy Spirit!). This conference is so FULL of His Spirit! If you are not attending, please consider getting the MP3 downloads and listening. Yesterday was AMAZING... and we still have the rest of the week to go!

I will be attending today.....

Well, as always with speaking, I have SO MUCH TO SAY :) and not always enough time to say it! So, I thought I would post this week additional thoughts and devotions on this topic of "Don't Waste Your Life!" Today I wanted to share a story about BUSYNESS....and HOW we cut some things from our full calendars.....

From "Don't Waste Your Life":

Once, I was telling a friend about this message. I’ll never forget what she said, “Are you going to tell me HOW to not be so busy, or just that I shouldn’t be? Because I already know that!”

I can relate to her frustration. Sometimes we get caught up in the "busyness trap," and we don't see a way out! We know we are not feeling at peace, but don't know how to slow down. Sometimes we are looking for a "magic formula" or some "secret."

Ladies, I wish I had a "secret" to tell you. There is no "magic formula." We all know in our hearts what we need to do, but we struggle with doing it!

Today, we try to do it all and have it all and we keep adding more and more to our busy lives. We don’t want to tell anyone NO and feel guilty when we do. And, sometimes, we don’t want to let go of activities because those things are tied to our identity. We find approval and self-worth by doing all of these things and doing them WELL. How many times when you ask someone, “How are you”? They answer with “I’m so busy.”

Often we can’t let go of commitments and activities because they all are GOOD
things. Sometimes, though, we must let go of GOOD things because they are not God’s best for us, or because it is not the right season of doing it. God may have placed a desire in our hearts to do something, but we may be jumping ahead of His timing.

I heard some sound advice from Rick Warren (Purpose Driven Life) once- anytime you add a new activity to your life, you need to take something away. I know, I know, it sounds too simple. He says, “If you are serious about fulfilling your purpose in life, you have to make space for God in your life. If you’re going to make space for God, you’re going to have to cut some stuff out- some good stuff.”

Then, your next question is HOW?! How do I remove "stuff?"The first thing we need to begin doing is PRAYING about what God's will is for our lives. Now, we are really good at doing this when some big catastrophe comes up, or we have to make a huge decision, but we forget about the "little" things. Maybe we just don't want to "bother" God with the "trivial" stuff.

Or, maybe we really don't want God's input into our activities because deep down we know He will tell us to let go of some things. Or….Maybe we have just never thought about before!

How many times do I pray about my activities AND my kids' activities? Now, I am pretty good about praying for God's will in my own activities (learned that the hard way but, with my kids, I sometimes just barrel ahead, signing them up for a bunch of things.....

because, my goodness, if the girls don't dance, they will be deprived, or if Andrew doesn't play football, well, ALL boys play football. And, if you don't play soccer, you can't live in America!

God has really been dealing with me in this area over the last few years and it has been so LIBERATING! (Both for me and for the kids!)

It started one spring when both girls were in dance and Andrew was busy with scouts and basketball. The girls were also playing soccer.

A typical Saturday was two soccer games and a basketball game before noon. Well, the girls were supposed to get dance recital pictures taken, (different times) and Andrew had to do an activity for scouting. I was freaking out, wondering how I was going to pull all of this off, because they were at different times.

The Holy Spirit spoke directly in my heart, "Tracy, you don't HAVE to get the dance picture! You'll take plenty of your own pictures. They just had soccer pictures done and Spring school pictures. Just because it is written on someone's calendar, it doesn't mean you HAVE TO DO IT!"


I never realized until that moment that I didn't have to do these things!

I don't have to go to that meeting, just because they are having it? I don't have to sign the kids up for this, even though "everybody" else is?!

How liberating that was for me!

Jesus promises that His burden is light.

Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

If we are not experiencing peace, then something is wrong. Isaiah says, “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” If God has truly called you to everything you are doing, then He will equip you to handle it all!

Philippians says, I can do all things through God who strengthens me!” But, we sometimes abuse this verse and keep adding more and more while quoting it!

Seek God and ask Him what you should be doing with your time.

Lord, help me to seek You in area of my life. If my life is out of balance, show me where to cut things. Father, make my priorities YOUR priorities. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.

See you at "A Woman Inspired"!

4 thoughts shared....:

Miriam Pauline said...

Tracy yesterday was a total blessing! Thank you so much for sharing your heart. Can't wait to see what else God has in store this week!

Celee said...

My ladies Bible study has been going through Becoming a Woman of Simplicity and it has been wonderful. Paul said to live is Christ. He said he wanted to know nothing else, but Christ and Him crucified. If only I could have that same single-minded devotion!

Chantel said...

wow! Amen , this is so on time for me. I love when you said, if I am not in peace, then something is a problem. We do not realize that in Christ , there is simplicity( 2 Corinthians 11:3, KJV). We make our relationsip with God complicated for ourselves. Yes evaluation is in order. Thank you Lord for this word. Amen!

christschild said...

Oh, no...I must've missed your email. I'm so sorry. I didn't know when the conference started. Am I still able to download the rest of it? I really enjoyed your post. It is so true. We have to put the right priorities first. The ones we know God wants us to do and not worry with everything else. Thank you for this reminder.
Blessings In Christ,