My “professional” bio for speaking engagements follows, and I would be honored and thrilled to speak at any of your events. But, I wanted you to get a peek into my “real life” and get a glimpse of who I am everyday.

Tracy’s passion for the Lord is contagious! Her heart’s cry is to lead women to a more intimate relationship with the Lord through prayer, reading His Word, and walking as free women in His glorious Light. Through honest, warm, and Biblical teaching, Tracy encourages and inspires women to pursue an authentic, passionate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Her desire is that women are not satisfied with a life of mediocrity, becoming comfortable in the “world,” but that they live abundant, transformed, joy-filled lives. Tracy shares her personal story of childhood tragedy and adult failures, motivating audiences to seek the face of Jesus and walk empowered by His grace and forgiveness. Tracy is passionate about God’s Word, and believes when women apply these Truths to their own lives, the Word becomes life-changing. She believes God has answers to all of life’s questions in His Word, and openly shares insights and applications of Scripture in her own life through examples that have audiences laughing and crying. As a prayer warrior and firm believer in the power of prayer, Tracy gives many practical ideas to help women make prayer an important part of their daily routine, including the benefits of praying scripture into their lives.
What Others Are Saying About Tracy:
"Tracy illustrates so well how God can be seen in the little every day moments of our lives. Her compelling testimonials give a personal encouragement to women in any stage of their spiritual journey."- Kay Burns
"When Tracy speaks, my heart truly listens. Her messages have inspired me to be still and listen to God. She has challenged me to seek God's will, not my own!"-Laurie Sloterdyk
“Tracy truly loves the Lord. The messages she shares are Bible based, laced with personal reflection and humor. She inspires others to grow in their relationship with God and make changes of their own”.-Carrie Munsch
“Tracy’s insight and spiritual wisdom has been a great source of strength, peace and guidance in my life. She speaks from a heart that has such a passion and love for the LORD, and she wants to share the message to anyone she meets.” -Kathy Moser
“I’ve had the honor of hearing Tracy share from her heart and speak to women with passion and purpose. She has no pretense but rather speaks with humility, grace and authenticity. When Tracy spoke recently at a women’s retreat, it was as if she were speaking directly at me. The attentiveness and tears of the other women revealed that they, too, were being touched by her words. It was evident that God was blessing the women through Tracy.”- Le Ann Harbaugh
“Tracy is one of those dynamic leaders that every church longs to have. I would highly recommend Tracy Berta to you for any speaking or leadership engagement. She will bring a combination of love and nurture with heartfelt spiritual growth challenges.”- Reverend Perry Fruhling