“Every happening, great or small, is a parable whereby God speaks to us, and the art of life is to get the message.” -Malcolm Muggeridge
Sometimes I can get so busy in life that I just blow right through, forgetting that God is trying to teach me something in every happening. Sometimes I forget to slow down and ASK Him what He is speaking to me. I continually pray for a SENSITIVITY to the Holy Spirit every day. I want to hear what God is teaching!
Sometimes we think it is just in the BIG things of life that God is teaching us lessons. But, really, He is there through out the smallest details, always calling to us. Again, as Malcolm says, "the art of life is to get the message." Continually, God is speaking love to me....through small victories (like biting my tongue) or a close parking space at Target on a rainy day. He is constantly teaching me life lessons through my family and friends. And, He is giving me eyes to see "my neighbor" the way He sees him. I need to quiet my heart, my mind, and my life, and SEEK HIM. I need to ASK Him, "God, what is it that You are teaching me in this?"
He will teach us life lessons when someone cuts in front of us in line (come back tomorrow for a lesson God taught me through that!!!). He will prompt us to call a friend in need, to smile to grocery clerk, to extend grace to a family member.... But, I must be quiet enough to hear His promptings. I must continually walk with Him, seeking Him, asking Him, listening for and to the Holy Spirit.
Jesus was (is) a master storyteller. He used wheat and farmers and widows and sheep and people to tell parables. He used the everyday things of life to teach people spiritual truths. He used common things in their lives to explain eternal principles. He does the same thing today!
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not upon your own understanding; in ALL your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your steps (make your path straight)." Prov. 3:5-6
Father God, thank You that You are aware of every moment of my life. Thank You, Holy Spirit, that You are leading me and guiding me. Give me ears to hear You and eyes to see You. Lord, make me sensitive to Your Holy Spirit. Thank You that You love me so much that You do change me and teach me and mold me. Thank You that You promise "Your sheep hear Your voice." And, Lord, thank You for Your Word that tells us, "You know when I sit and when I rise; You perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; You are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue You know it completely, O LORD....All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be. How precious are Your thoughts to me, O God (psalm 139)..." I love You, Lord! In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.
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8 thoughts shared....:
Oh how very true! I suffer from that problem too, flying by so quickly I miss things. I love the passage in the Bible that talked about how God was in the breeze that went by. We expect Him to be in the "big stuff" the fire, earthquake, big circumstances, etc but He's talking to us in the little things too. He's there, are we listening? Thanks for sharing!
Tracy, Thank you for sharing this! He is speaking and I am SEEKING!!!!!
Wonderful post Tracy! It really is about looking for the lesson in the story. Thanks for sharing.
I love it! I think God used every day objects to teach the parables in the Bible so that it would be easier for us to see what He's trying to teach us in the every day things of our lives. It's amazing what God says to us when we listen.
You are so right! It is often in the small victories that we know most clearly that God has spoken.
I really enjoyed my study and meditation on today's quote too. The whole idea of a parable is to bring the Gospel into everyday life and make it applicable and real! Love how you show us that in even the tiny things of everyday life we can "get the message."
I like how you pointed out Jesus used the every day things in life to teach spiritual lessons. So true. What's in our every day we're missing? Nice post.
Lovely take! I also followed the links and enjoyed your "lessons from the nursery.". Thanks for sharing today!
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