Looking for some great blogs??????

Aaahhhh, blogging! Two years ago I would have had NO idea what you were talking about if you said the word. Now, I find much encouragement in writing and reading blogs. I have been introduced to a network of amazing women who love the Lord and who desire to go deeper in Christ.

Periodically, I like to share my "finds" with you and ecourage you to visit these awesome blogs. My favorite day to do this is Sunday. I can rest and read and be encouraged. My prayer that you, too, will be encouraged, often challenged and inspired to press in and press on.

Many blessings, my friends! Have an AWESOME weekend~ rest your body and spirit, relflect on His love, and RETURN here soon! As always, I love to hear from you all! Blessings!!!!

I have recently met an awesome Sister- Leah Adams. She and I are on the same speaking team with SpeakingThruMe ministries. Watch for a post about that very soon! I can't wait to give you all of the details!!!!! Anyway, Leah has an amazing heart and you will be touched as she openly shares about her walk with Christ!

The next friend I would like to share with you is Karen Hossink. She also is a Speaking Thru Me team member and mighty woman of God! She has an awesome blog, Surviving Motherhood. She is SOOOO encouraging.

I love Lori!!!!!!!! She and I our "soul mates"!!!!! I have found someone who loves and appreciates the use of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!, dots..................................., and High School Musical! Like me, she turned 40 this year (yay!). She and Amy Bayliss are encouraging so many at the Internet Cafe. She taught me how to use PhotoPlus- the awesome FREE program to put words over your pics. Check out her blog!

I recently got an email from this fellow Princess- Carol Van Atta! She has an amazing blog for you to check out- http://princesswarriorsreignreal.blogspot.com/. Carol is also a speaker/writer.

Today I also found this amazing ministry- http://www.hereignsministries.org/. Michelle is a mighty woman of God. God gave her a word that He has given to me, also: URGENCY. Check her out!

And, finally, I want to encourage you to visit my dear friend, Jill at http://www.findingabalancedlife.blogspot.com/ . She is "new" to blogging and I have invited you to visit her place when she first started. I am amazed how she has just "jumped" right in to it- her blog is fun to read and I love her visuals. She has been doing a series on balanced living. Jill is a pheonaminal speaker! You would be blessed to have her speak at your next woman's event.

3 thoughts shared....:

lori said...

GIRL you are too KIND and FUNNY!!

Anyone who embraces !!! and HSM is a friend indeed!!! That kind of soul just "gets me!" (And NOT all do!!!:):))

YOU are the encourager! Thank you for the blessing it's been to me getting to know you through this page! We are blessed you are part of our CAFE team...together we are going to set the world on FIRE for HIM....

It's just so neat to read blogs of women with passionate hearts and ordinary lives....moving to do extraordinary things without even realizing it!!
YOU are one of them!!

Have a WONDERFUL Friday...it's glorious here...
and I have to tell you....those PHOTOS with words...YOU GO GIRL!! the one below is the best yet!!!

love you!
!! all together, together, together everyone....!!

you should hear me sing the Brady Bunch song!!;)

Leah Adams said...


Thanks so much for the kind words. Just got back in town and read your post. You are so sweet and I just feel blessed to pieces to be on the STMM team with you. Can't wait to actually meet you!!


Carol Van Atta, Princess Warrior said...

Thank you, Tracy. I appreciate your kind words about my blog. I love sharing with and supporting other Princess Warriors. May God continue to bless you richly and beyond measure. In His Care, Carol