Girl's Night Out!!!!!!!!!!

We had a FUN girl's night out!
....In life BC (before children and before Christ), GNO meant putting on make-up, spraying perfume, alcohol and getting wild with girlfriends...
NOW, GNO still included makeup (Ashley had the most fun putting it on!), perfume (mostly to hide the fact that we needed showers :) ), NO ALCOHOL, but still getting WILD!
Thank You, Jesus that You have forever changed my life! Thank You that You saved me from myself.....
Thank You for special time with my precious girls and a Daddy that encourages it....

2 thoughts shared....:

Chelle said...

I look forward to those moments with my daughter. Looks like you all had fun, and you all look fabulous! :)

Alene said...

My girls are teens now and I tell you GNO is still my favorite! Keep on having fun with those precious girls. Cute, Cute!!! Blessings.