Wow! In this wild, crazy summer with the flood, schedules, routines, and TIME seemed to disappear. "Life" has just NOT been "normal."
But, two absolutely EXCITING things happened with me and my speaking ministry this summer and I haven't taken the time to share them with you yet........UNTIL NOW!
If you only "know" me through blogging, then you may not be aware that God has also called me into a speaking ministry. He has placed such a PASSION in my heart to speak to women's groups, sharing the love of Christ with them. As I have the opportunity to meet new women, some of their stories break my heart, and each time I speak I am again reminded that this is a world that needs the healing, forgiveness, and freedom of Jesus Christ. Each time I go, it is truly a blessing and an honor.
Well, this summer I had the amazing privilege to be invited to join the Speaking Thru Me ministry team. These women are AWESOME! Many of them you may already know through blogging. If you don't know them, please take a few minutes to visit their blogs and get to know them a little better. It is so cool to see how God has brought us all together on this team. And, although we are all very different, we are similar in that we are all passionate for JESUS! We all desire to see women cultivate a deep relationship with the Savior. We all are women who love the Word and know the power of prayer.
If you are looking for a speaker for your next women's event, please consider one of the women from Speaking Thru Me. And, after you have checked us out, would you be willing to put our button on your blog?
AND, please keep this ministry in your prayers!!!

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AND......more EXCITING news!!!!!!!!
I am sooooo honored to be asked to be a ministry partner with
Compassion International!
If you are not familiar with Compassion, please take a moment to visit their website. This organization is dedicated to releasing children from poverty in Jesus' Name.
I love that I am able to make a difference in the battle against poverty!
Do you ever feel discouraged when you think about the children in the world who need help? Do you wish that there is something you can do? Do you ever feel like you want to do more to make a difference in the world?
You CAN make a difference in a child's life. You can build a relationship with a child by sponsoring her.
Would you prayerfully consider sponsoring a child today? You can simply click on the button. And, please leave a comment if you would like to add a button to your blog!
And, could I ask one more thing of you? Would you consider praying for me? Please pray that I continue to seek Jesus with ALL THAT I AM. Please pray for protection as I minister to others. Please pray for spirit of wisdom and revelation so that I may know Him better. Please pray that the Word would be written on my heart. Please pray that God would open doors of opportunity so that I may go out and speak His Word.
Thank you so much and God bless you!
2 thoughts shared....:
What a blessing!! I am honored to be able to serve on the Speaking Thru Me Ministry team with you and to be able to pray for you as you minister thru Compassion.
God bless you.
Congrats!!! Your heart for Jesus is evident. Neat that you are able to share His love in your speaking.
Hugs, Lynn
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