Have you ever tried to reason with a 2 YEAR OLD?

Abby and I were in deep conversation the other day.....just WHO is "Grandma"????

I was trying to explain to her that "Grandma" is MY "Mommy".

No, she is "Grandma", silly!

Yes, she is Grandma, but she is MY Mommy.

NO, she is Grandma.

Yes, she is Grandma, but she is MY MOMMY.

Hmmmmm.............. a new approach is needed.

OK. Sometimes we have 2 names. You know, Ashley is YOUR sister, but she is my daughter.
I'm her mommy.

No..... she is SWEETIE, silly!

We can go by many different "names." Sometimes these labels are welcomed- mother, daughter, sister, friend.....

Other times, the world puts on us names we do not want to keep- failure, loser, not-good-enough, worthless, ugly, fat....

We also have names that God calls us that we must never forget- chosen, beloved, precious, redeemed, forgiven....

The next time the world tries to fix a label on you, reject it and call yourself what God calls you- LOVED.

"Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are Mine." Isaiah 43:1

Father God, thank You for loving me so much. Thank You for calling me by name. Lord, I pray that You would silence those voices that would try to name me something else. Help me to remember that I am named by YOU. YOU call me by name and those names are Precious, Child, Beloved.... I love You, Lord! In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.

3 thoughts shared....:

fourkidsmom said...

Tracy, you have reminded me of my favorite verse. Isn't it so very special that out of all of the millions of people that ever lived or will live that God knows each one of us by name. So special. Thanks for reminding me.


fourkidsmom said...

Tracy, you have reminded me of my favorite verse. Isn't it so very special that out of all of the millions of people that ever lived or will live that God knows each one of us by name. So special. Thanks for reminding me.


The Howell Blessings said...

Blessed, Child of God, Forgiven, daughter, reapers and sowers, righteous, Christian, disciple, heir to the throne, reconciled to God, through Christ, ... Just a few of my favorite names He calls me and you.