Word-Filled Wednesday

Lord, may I never TEAR DOWN my own home....

with a critical spirit...

with bitterness....





may I build it....

with encouragement...







Hope you don't mind.....I am reposting this from last April. I have been thinking about this verse recently.
I was thinking about how I have gotten into a habit of "jumping" on my husband and children. I have something I want to "tell" them (make that nag, complain, and rebuke....)
and because I want to "get it out of the way"
or because it is fresh in my mind
(or maybe because I have been stewing on it for several hours),
the minute the poor soul walks in the door
(or wakes up and comes downstairs or gets into the car),
I pounce!
Thank You, Holy Spirit that You have been quieting my heart and hushing my mouth and opening my eyes to this "bad habit."
I want to be the wise woman who builds her house!

19 thoughts shared....:

Angela said...

amen amen amen sis..In each of my many Bibles, this scripture has been underlined....this is my prayer also...

amy & lisa said...

Such good advice!
Thank you for sharing.

Beth in NC said...

That is awesome! Very creative!

Happy WFW!

Joan said...

Love this. Thanks for sharing.
Blessings and Happy WFW!

Joyfull said...

Wonderful reminder of the importance of being a builder of our homes and the characteristics to build with.

Unknown said...

Amen! Good word for me to have today!

Peggy said...

Oh YES TRACY...building our homes on the strengths of being a wise woman...Proverbs! Perfect prayer for a perfect verse & photo: Bind the bad and release the good! We all need the FRUIT of the spirit.

There is going to be an on line study on the Fruit of the Spirit from one of the speakers of "A Woman Inspired" - Cindy Haux from MN...just north of you on 35W.

Anyways it is starting May 6th!
"Bloom Before You're Planted" It's on the fruit of the spirit.

Cindy's blog ~ GOD ALWAYS PREVAILS...through the STORMS of LIFE@http://cindyhaux.blogspot.com/

Cathy said...

Very pretty, thank you ~

lori said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....THAT is SOOOOOOO good....can you tell that it just hit me in the heart!!:)

I swear...we are so often on the same page!

loved it!
peace Tracy!

Amydeanne said...

oh Amen! i so needed this one Tracy.
i don't want to tear down my home even though i feel justified to complain sometimes.. it's wrong and i know it! thanks for the great reminder!

Laurie Ann said...

Praying that prayer with you, Tracy! Great pic and verse! Happy WFW!

Melanie said...

Oh, what a great verse this one is, Tracy! A reminder to us all.

Happy WFW!

Janet said...

Very good verse for today. Thanks for sharing. :)


Denise said...

Amen to this my friend.

Cathy said...

Thank you for that verse, giving us something to think about. And thank God for His precious Holy Spirit and His Word.

Susan said...


This was GREAT!!!!!!!!

And so true.

May I always be a builder of my home.

Blessings my friend♥

linda said...

I really needed this tonight! Amen.

Ann said...

GREAT verse for today!

Anonymous said...

Thank you... I needed this!!!