Don't Ignore the Holy Spirit's Warnings!!!!!!

Oh, my. What an end to a TERRIBLE day! (Scroll down to read all about the earlier mishaps!)

I just received YUCKY news. My computer died the week of the "A Woman Inspired" conference, so I have been without my laptop for weeks. My friend, who had been out of the country, returned and had some time to fix it. It wasn't as easy as he thought it would be and as it turned out, I LOST all of my Word documents.



Years of work.


Documents for my speaking ministry.

Hundreds of documents.


No problem, you say because everything was backed up, right?


For months now the Holy Spirit had been warning me, whispering to me, to back up my computer files.

Yes, I will do week.....when I have a few more minutes....when I have some free time.

So, each time the Holy Spirit again reminded me to do this, I put Him off, assuring Him and myself I would do it.....eventually.

What is that about delayed obedience? Disobedience! And, when we (I) choose to go our ways, ignore God's warnings, do things in our timing, well.....we (I) get into trouble!

The Holy Spirit is our Helper. He wants to lead us and guide us. God wants to help us in our walk. "When we trust in the Lord with all of our hearts, lean not upon our own understanding, then He will direct our steps, straighten our paths." I should have trusted God, heeding His warning. I should not have leaned upon MY understanding, stubbornly doing it my own way.

So......I am IMPLORING YOU- don't ignore the Holy Spirit! Listen and heed that still, small voice within You. Trust in what He tells you.

7 thoughts shared....:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this!! The Holy Spirit has been speaking to me about reaching out to someone this week and this was definitely an encouragement in the right direction.

Toknowhim said...

A good warning...

Larie Carlice Proverbs 27:19 said...

I've been feeling the need to place files on a disk or two but haven't felt like actually doing it. Hmmmmm, thanks Tracy!


Leah Adams said...

I don't know if it will help your feelings any but I did the same stinking thing a few years ago. Same delayed obedience, same warnings by the HOly Spirit, same procrastination and then I lost everything. All my writing, checkbooks, everything.

Here's the really stupid part. I let it happen TWICE. How's that for disobedience?

Now I am a backing-up FOOL, let me tell you. I back up everything multiple times.

I am praying that the Lord will allow you to piece together a lot of what you lost. I was able to because I had a lot of it in print and other people had saved a lot of my writing. That was when I was still doing The Point via email. So, all was not lost but eventually I learned my lesson.

Girl, I'll be praying for a better day for you today. We should spend some time soon on the phone just visiting and praying with and for each other. What do you think?


Christine Smith said...

I feel the pain and disappointment losing all your work, my entire Christian Business was deleted a month before Christmas.It was not a good time for a Christian Jewelry store to be offline! I had Number One ranking in Google and lost everything.

I remember screaming at God: frustrated, disbelief,anger,the works.

Two weeks later while I was rebuilding my online store, my daughter was sent by ambulance and hospitalized for several days. The website and lost data became a tiny grain of sand compared to the value of my child's life.

Kathryn said...

Oh, Tracy, I'm so sorry.

Debbie Petras said...

I know the feeling Tracy. I've lost material and photos too. I try to set my computer to automatically backup every night but sometimes for some reason it doesn't work. I also occasionally have problems shutting off programs. And I know I need to contact Microsoft but I never seem to have time. Maybe this will be my prompt to do so.