Angels and Miracles and.........Bill O'Reilly???????

I was watching Bill O' Reilly the other night. He was chuckling about Pat Robertson's (700 Club) "predictions" for 2008. Now, I didn't see Pastor Robertson's predictions, so I am taking O'Reilly's word for them. Robertson predicted that in 2008 people would see many more angels and that there would be many miracles. Apparently Bill thought this was funny (absurd from his facial expressions and tone of voice), and he poked fun that Pat Robertson could even hear from God to begin with. It made me sad, especially because Bill claims to be a person of faith.

First of all, hopefully, as Christians WE DO HEAR FROM GOD! Jesus tells us in John 10, "I am the Good Shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know sheep hear my voice." As Christ's sheep, we should hear his voice! I guess we sometimes are confused with Hollywood's portrayal of this and expect to be visited by Morgan Freeman in a white suit to hear from God. But, when we have a living, breathing relationship with God, we will hear His voice! During our prayer time, we don't want to do all of the "talking", but listen to Him. Don't be disappointed because you don't think you can hear from God. He speaks to us in many different ways- through His Word, through a friend, and through the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit. But, the problem is that we NEED TO LISTEN! At times, that is the hard part. In Hosea, God says, "I will lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her." Sometimes we are so busy in our lives that we can't hear Him because life around us is so LOUD. So, when we have an intimate relationship with Jesus, He leads us into the "wilderness"- the lonely, quiet places, to speak to us. We have to get quiet to hear Him. "Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. After the fire came a gentle whisper." -1Kings 19:11-12. The LORD spoke in the gentle whisper. This is why God wants a RELATIONSHIP- not just a religion- with us! He wants to be part of our lives! I take that back- He wants to BE OUR LIFE! Being a "person of faith" doesn't just mean that you go to church. It means that you have a relationship with God, and part of that relationship is prayer. And, when we pray, God will lead us, direct us, and speak to us!

Now, judging from O'Reilly's sneers, he must not believe that we will see angels. But, angels are God's messengers and protectors. Psalm 91 says that "He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they ( the angels!) will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone." God uses angels, and they are all around us! Hebrews tells us, "Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?" And, "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it." God's angels are all around us, and sometimes God allows us to witness them.

The other part of Robertson's prediction that Bill found amusing was that there will be many miracles in 2008. I guess Bill thinks of miracles as only something like the great flood or the parting of the Red Sea. But, we see miracles every day! If you have ever given birth to a baby or witnessed it, you would agree that the birth of a baby is one of God's greatest miracles! I know many people are praying for miracles right now for healing of loved ones, restoration of marriages, and freedom from bondage. I love medical miracles! It wasn't long ago that we were praying for Charles on this blog for his miracle healing.

Why do we doubt that God still performs miracles today? Doesn't God say that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever? Isn't He still the same All-Powerful, Mighty God? Does He somehow love us less than past generations so that He denies us miracles? One thing I see through the Gospels, when people had lost faith, Jesus could not perform miracles. (Mark 6) Faith and miracles are tied together! Jesus said over and over, "Your faith has healed you. Your faith has saved you." When He raised Lazarus, Jesus first asks Martha if she believes. So, let us never become unbelieving! I refuse to be the unbelieving generation of the New Testament. So, as in Micah, I pray God will say, "As in the days when you came out of Egypt, I will show them my wonders." Micah 7:15.

Father, we love you! Please forgive our doubt and skepticism. Forgive Bill O'Reilly and all of us who have doubted your Word and who you are. Forgive us, Lord for making you smaller than who you are. You are the God of the Universe! Have we forgotten that? Have we gotten to full of ourselves? Too haughty? Father, we humble ourselves and pray. We cry out for you! We want to hear you! We want to hear your voice! Forgive our doubt and increase our faith, O Lord! Thank you for angels and thank you for miracles and thank you for ministers like Pat Robertson who boldly proclaim your Truth. May we never be ashamed by you. Give us, give me a boldness for you. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.

5 thoughts shared....:

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

I am listening and watching closely!!

can't wait to tell you what i see and hear!!

love, leigh

Gudl said...

Great post!
Glory to HIM!!
Have a great day.
Your sister in the Lord!

Tracy Berta-daughter to the King, wife, mother, speaker, writer said...

Leigh, me, too!
Love you!

Thanks for stopping by! And, yes, all Glory to God!

Blessings, sister!

Tracee Sioux, Sioux Ink: Soul Purpose Publishing said...

I'm not really a fan of Bill's. He primary function as a personality is to work people into a frenzy. How much value is there in that really?

I, personally, see miracles in my life every single day. Literal miracles - not the figurative kind. Miracles like healings and prosperity and changes of heart and other supposedly "impossible" real Biblical stuff. And it's often, it's not even rare.

You just have to know how to look.

Tracy Berta-daughter to the King, wife, mother, speaker, writer said...


I am so glad you stopped by! I am so thankful that God is God of miracles!!!!! I, too, see miracles everyday- healing, peace, changes of heart.......But, the BIGGEST miracle I see everyday is when I look in the mirror! God has completely saved this woman's life! Oh, what I was before I became a new creation in Christ. Does God still perform miracles? I shout, yes, because I am one!

When I read your comment, "supposedly impossible real Biblical stuff," the verse that immediately came to mind was, "ALL things are possible with God" (and said a little differently in another place, "Nothing is impossible with God."

How I agree with "you just have to know how to look." I pray daily that God will give me eyes of faith!

One of the miracles that comes to mind was when my 4 yr. old son Aaron was 1, he had clogged tear ducts. We had to keep bringing him to the eye doctor to check if they had opened. After praying for God to heal them, we took him the next day to the doctor- who was ready to schedule the surgery to open them. The doctor couldn't believe it (and stopped short of calling it a miracle!). I praised God and thanked Him for His healing.

Anyway, I hope you visit again soon. I look forward to chatting with you again, Tracee.
