Have you ever taken the time to ponder all that God has done in your life? Have you thought about how God has been there all along, watching over you, weaving the threads of your life circumstances into a beautiful tapestry? Have you thought about years worth of answered prayer?

The people He has placed in your life to help you....REFINE you?

Memories from childhood.

From turbulent teenage years.


First job.

Kind words spoken to you that encouraged you.

Pain that He used as sandpaper to refine and polish you.

When we take the time to really SEE how God has been there in our lives....

taking time to REMEMBER Him,

we begin to see His Sovereignty.....

His grace....

His goodness.....


Verse 12 goes on to say, "I will meditate on all Your works and consider all Your mighty deeds."

I am adopted and understand the miracle of my mother choosing life in me-centered 60's AND placing me in the family where I am.

Wow....what a MIGHTY DEED!

I remember my first boss as a high school senior. I'll never forget the words he spoke to me on yet another day I was taking advantage of my employer, coming in late and not ready for work.

"Tracy, you will not always be able to get away with things just by flashing your pretty smile."

Those words carry so much weight as I understand life and responsibility better today.

God literally SAVING me as I felt the Holy Spirit warning me to flee different situations in college.... One that stands out in my memory is a frat party where I found myself with just one other girl, dressed and dancing provocatively inside a circle of about 20 drunk frat boys. I know God warned me to flee and I did!

A rainbow that was a sign to Brian and I when we were praying about a job change and move.

Yes, Lord, I will take time to remember Your deeds....Your miracles.....Your works in MY life.

2 thoughts shared....:

Denise said...

Such lovely words.

Wanda said...

It would do us all well to recall His goodness to us in the past.