Oh, Lord your Word fills me and sustains me! I will be filled as with the richest of food.
Oh, Lord your Word fills me and sustains me! I will be filled as with the richest of food.
God's Word
Please go over to a Mom's Life http://beth-amomslife.blogspot.com/ to read all of the amazing ways God is working in people's lives! God is good and there are miracles all around when we open our eyes to see them.
"I'm alive! I'm alive! I'm alive! Hallelujah! Amen!"
These were words we sung today at our worship service. The joy in the room was amazing. We are alive! Because Christ is alive! We are alive, amen!
2Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"
I found this amazing picture at my friend's church's website, "EFCN" in Naperville, IL.
Many blessings to you all today. Live your life in Christ- ALIVE!
I was going through some of my older posts and found this. Oh, how I needed to hear it again. I hope you will be blessed by it. It is from October, 2007
Praise You, God! You were so AWESOME, POWERFUL, AND BIG at the Ladies' Retreat where I spoke over the weekend. Praise You! God confirmed time and again how He wants to set us free! He does not want to see His dearly Beloved children in bondage, living under the yoke of Satan's deception! Hallelujah!
This morning, one example stands out in my mind.
A dear woman at the retreat had shared with me what she is going through at home- a terrible situation. Her husband is in bondage to a terrible sin. We prayed together, and I especially prayed that she would feel God's loving arms around her. I prayed that He would comfort her, pour out His wisdom on her, and shower His love upon her. The next morning she shared with me how powerfully God had spoken to her through His Word. God led her to Isaiah where it talked about how He was going to come in to crush bondage and pride and that He is a source of strength. This passage spoke to her personally. It touched her exactly the way she needed. God had put His arms around her through His Word. God's Word is alive and active and personally speaks to each one of us! Praise God!
I was thinking how often we can sometimes "roll over and play dead." We start believing that THIS is all there is, or this is just how it is. We forget to fight- to stand firm and put on His armor. We forget to be strong in the Lord and His mighty power and to take our stand against the enemy's evil schemes. We just accept our circumstances as "the way things are." (Did you ever see the movie, Babe, about a pig who refused to accept that things were just the way things are?) We just sigh, and say, "This must be God's Will, His plan." And sometimes it is! There are times that He is refining us or our circumstances are a result of sin or our choices- but that is a whole other blog!!!
God reminded me of an example of this that happened not too long ago. I was NOT feeling well- I had a "bug" of some kind. But, I had so much to do. My "to do"list was FULL. While I was praying with my mentor and prayer partner, I had a "woe is me" attitude and was just kind of giving up. "I am sick today, I won't be able to do all things I need to do. Oh well." I even said, "God must be slowing down." (And He, does do that, too- but that, too, is a whole other blog!!!!!)
She began to pray for healing. She began to take our authority in who we are in Jesus and what He has already done for us. I, of course, didn't want to hear these things! I wanted to her to feel sorry for me- I was sick! I wanted to "wallow!" But, as we prayed, my faith began to rise. I knew it was God's will for me to get up and accomplish the things He had called me to do that day.
We talked about the time when Jesus healed Peter's mother from a fever and she got up to serve them. (Matthew 8:14) Immediately after we prayed I felt better. I still had my cold, but my attitude had completely changed. I had energy to get up and do the things I needed to do. Once I finished, I felt God say, "Rest now." I felt so much better!!!! I rested without worries of my tasks. I was so thankful and praised Him over and over!
This morning, as I pondered all of this, I opened my Bible. The Spirit led me to the story of the woman being healed in Mark 5:21-34. The crowds were huge. The Bible says, "A large crowd followed and pressed around Him." Have you been somewhere where the crowd was huge and people bump into you and you bump into them? Somewhere where you have to hold hands with the people you are with for fear of being separated? I picture the crowd like that around Jesus. The people are crowding Him, trying to get near Him.
The Bible says, "And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse." Whew! There is so much just in that short passage! In Bible times blood issues were taken seriously. If this woman had a blood disease, she would have been considered "unclean." People probably avoided touching her or getting too near her- for twelve YEARS. Can you imagine the pain and the loneliness of this suffering for so long? In fact, Scripture says she had "suffered a great deal." Can you relate?
Have you suffered a great deal?
She spent all she had. She spent everything she had to get well. She sought out many doctors. She was using everything available. Yet, she was not healed. In fact, the Bible says "she grew worse." Have your circumstances ever grown worse, even when you have given everything you have to change them?
But, she knew where to go! She knows that Jesus can heal her. She thinks, "If I just touch His clothes, I will be healed." She knows the power of the her Savior. She knows it just takes a touch of his cloak. She doesn't even need to touch Him, just His clothes. So, she comes up behind Him, without saying a word, reaches out, and touches His cloak."IMMEDIATELY her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering." God wants to free us from our suffering!
Notice a few things. She goes to Jesus. She has great faith- she knows she just needs a touch from Jesus. She reaches out and touches Him. "At once Jesus realizes that power had gone out from Him." Wow! She reaches out, touches Him in her need, and power goes out from Him to heal her. Now, Jesus knows who touched Him. He is God. He is all knowing. All through the New Testament Jesus knew the thoughts of those around Him. So, He knows already knows who touched Him, but He asks, "Who touched my clothes?" Now the disciples are surprised by this question. EVERYONE was touching Him! A better question might have been who is NOT touching me???? They say, "You see the people crowding against You, and yet You ask, 'Who touched me?' "
Jesus looks for her in the crowd. She knows she's "caught." She falls at His feet, trembling with fear and tells Him the whole truth.
Jesus calls her "Daughter." He says, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."
Hallelujah! Jesus FREES us! He frees us from our suffering! Jesus came to "set the captives free." She has been healed already, now He wants to free her and bring restoration! In front of the whole crowd, all the people she was trying to avoid, Jesus restores her and validates her. He calls her daughter!
One other HUGE point- there were LOTS of people touching Jesus, many of which probably needed healing. Why didn't Jesus' power go out from Him when they touched Him?
She believed!
Jesus said "her faith healed her." So many of us may touch Jesus, but do we believe? Do we have faith in Who is and What He can do?
Thank You, God that You bring healing and freedom! Thank You for Your restoration!
“The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”-Zephaniah 3:16
In honor of Abigail's 1st birthday, I would like to post one of my favorite verses on my 1st Word-filled Wednesday- Zephaniah 3:16. When Abigail was born, God spoke to my heart a very special meaning to this verse. I journaled about it a year ago:
As I snuggle Abby, only a few weeks old, inhaling her sweet baby smell, rubbing my cheek against her soft skin, my heart fills with inexpressible JOY! I look down into her eyes and my heart feels like it is going to burst because I am filled with so much love for her. Could it be possible to love a person so much? To be filled with such delight just LOOKING at someone?
Abby hasn’t DONE anything. She hasn’t pleased me because of her deeds or actions. I am delighted in her because she IS. She just lays there and IS. She does not need to perform in any way to please me. She doesn’t have to be “good.” I just love her- I can’t even explain it or put it into words. I love her with a love that can not be measured because she is mine.
God has shown me again how He feels for me by showing me how I feel for my children. “He takes great delight in me (and you!) and rejoices over me (and you!) with singing”- not because I have DONE anything, but simply because I exist and I am His. And, just as I look down at Abby, my heart bursting with love and joy, our Heavenly Father looks down at us, His heart bursting with love and joy. He breathes us in, rubs our cheeks, and is delighted in us. Oh, let that sink in! How our Father loves us!
Please visit Word Filled Wednesday for more inspiration!
In honor of Easter, I would love to give away the wonderful book, "John 3:16" by Max Lucado!
"Embark on a journey of hope and encouragement for daily living with Max Lucado as he unpacks the timeless message of John 3:16. If you know nothing of the Bible, start here. If you know everything in the Bible, return here. It's a twenty-six word parade of hope: beginning with God, ending with life and urging us to do the same. He Loves. He Gave. We Believe. We live."
It's simple! All you have to do is leave a comment- make sure you have an email address listed so that I can let you know if you win! I will draw a name on Easter Sunday and send out your book on Easter Monday. May you be blessed this Resurrection Day in abundance!
Aaahhh!!!!!!!! Have you ever gotten behind and struggled with catching back up? Well, that is me right now. (I could use some prayers in this area!) Anyway, I am posting a new meme that I am excited to participate in, "Miracle Monday." I know, I know, it is Tuesday.....that's what I mean about being behind! But, I love this idea- to share the "everyday" miracles that we see God working in our lives. And, by thinking about them, realizing THAT and HOW God works in our lives every minute. He is always there- He never leaves our side. Like yesterday, at Target, when I had Brian and the kids waiting for me in the car (mostly crying) and every checkout line was so long. I said a little prayer asking God to help and a very nice Target employee led me to a new line opening. Oh, how I thanked Him and gave Him glory!
So, please go over to a Mom's Life http://beth-amomslife.blogspot.com/ to read all of the amazing ways God is working in people's lives! God is good and there are miracles all around when we open our eyes to see them.
So, this week, in honor of Abigail's 1st birthday tomorrow, I would like to share my miracle.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. “Plans for hope and a future. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you.”-Jeremiah 29:11 God does have a plan for our lives! Now, the funny thing is sometimes our plans are not always God’s plans! His plans for us can look very different from our own at times. Brian and I were not planning a fifth child. Our family, we thought, was "perfect." We were comfortable.... I can definitely say, A NEW BABY WAS NOT OUR PLAN! In fact, we were taking precautions to prevent any chance of another baby. We sold all of our baby things- car seats, strollers, clothes, bouncy seats, everything- in a garage sale. I had given away all maternity clothes.
Well, we found out we were expecting in July after a trip to Adventureland Amusement Park. We went when it was really HOT- in the 90's. Several times, I had to sit down because I thought I was going to pass out. I thought I had heat stroke! When I continued to be sick Saturday, Sunday, and then Monday, I told Brian I needed to get a pregnancy test. His response was, "Why?" He just figured birth control was 100% accurate!
To be honest, when I first took the pregnancy test and it was positive, I did NOT see the humor in our situation! Since this is my 7th pregnancy, I have taken MANY tests. For the first time, that positive sign did not fill me with exuberant joy. In fact, if I were to be completely honest, I felt disappointment, anxiousness, and fear. You see, I had my plans all figured out. I had thought, Aaron, my youngest, would start preschool in the fall. I thought, "I am in new season of life! I finally have a little independence, I can concentrate more on writing and speaking. I can volunteer at school. I could even go have coffee with friends- for the first time in 10 years!"
A new baby was the farthest thing from "my plan!"You see, God’s plans may look so different than ours! We have an idea of what we’re going to do, how it should be done, and the timing of it all. The Bible says, “God’s ways are not our ways. But, God's ways are perfect." And, reminding myself of Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you (God knows what He's doing!), plans for GOOD and not evil, plans to PROSPER YOU AND NOT HARM YOU, plans for hope and a future." If God's plan was a new baby, then that was good! Even though it took us by surprise, it was a good plan for our family.
What really turned my thinking around, though, was Psalm 147 that says, "Sons are a heritage from the Lord. Children are a reward from Him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate."
Wow! I looked at my pregnancy in a whole new way! God was rewarding me! And, I felt badly because I had not seen this child as a "blessing.'' It was like that saying, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." I had taken God's gift for granted and wasn't thankful for it. Boy, does the Truth have a way of changing your thinking! I replaced the lie the enemy and my flesh had been deceiving me with, stealing the joy from this pregnancy with His Truth!
When Abigail was born, Brian and I were overwhelmed by the love we felt for her. And, we wondered how could we think we didn't NEED her? That was the emotion I felt the strongest.....how could I ever had thought that I didn't NEED another baby? When we would look at her we were filled with such joy. We were so thankful that she was a part of our family. She was definitely our miracle.
The republished post that tells about Abagail's birth follows..........
Father God, thank you for being a part of our lives. Thank you for your miracles. Give us eyes to see your miracles every day. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Baby Abigail
Greetings, all!Grace and peace to you all from our Lord Jesus Christ!
Sorry it has taken so long to get to all of you! Thank you all for your well wishes and congratulations! Abigail is doing awesome and mommy is LOVING "being home" snuggling this sweet baby. I never thought I would be doing all of these things again- nursing a baby, burping a baby, changing diapers. What joy there is in taking care of this little one!!!!! She is so warm and snuggly and sweet!I have so many praises to share with you!!!!!
First of all, it is so neat that Abby is 10 days old today- on her actual due date!!!! First, I praise You and thank You Lord for Abby waiting to being induced last Monday. We got to the hospital at 8:00 AM and the nurse started the Group B Strepp antibiotics right away. When Dr. checked me about 9:00, I was dilated to 5. She was funny! She "panicked" and was like, "Oh, my! I need to get things going here!!!!" She started hustling around, getting things ready for a delivery. I could have told her- not to worry- I am not "in labor" until I am at least 8cm!
Anyway, Brian and I "hung out" until Dr. came back at noon. We had papers to fill out and questions to answer with the nurse. At noon Dr. broke my water. We did NOT want to do pitosin- we wanted to let the baby come on its own. So, we walked and walked around the hospital floor. Contractions were light- about 5 min. apart. At 2:30, contractions a got a little stronger. We continued to walk through them. By 3:15 it was time to get back to the birth room! Contractions were about 2 min. apart. By 3:30 they were one after another. I couldn't believe when Dr. said to push on the next contraction! Two more pushes and Abigail was born!
She was born at 3:55 and weighed only 8 lbs, 3 oz (little compared to Aaron and Aly!).
Thank You Lord that Abigail is healthy and was not affected at all by the Group B. Thank You for all of the prayers and support from our family, friends, sisters and brothers in Christ! We felt their prayers! Thank You for the wonderful hospital staff! Thank You for our Dr. who also seeks You and trusts in Your Wisdom, Lord! I pray such blessings and love on these wonderful people!Thank You for Lansinoh (lanolin ointment for soreness during breastfeeding)! Thank You that You have given me wisdom after nursing 4 other children! I knew how to work with Abby to get her latch corrected. I thank You Lord for patience to wait through the hardest time and most painful (when your body is sore already from having a baby!), to continue to work through the nursing. Thank You for reminding me that it is just a short time ( a few days to a week) that I have to get through before nursing becomes beautiful and wonderful time to bond with baby. Thank You for continuing to remind me of Romans 8:18- that my present sufferings would not compare to the glory to come! Thank You for my MP3 player so that I could listen to my music while nursing to "calm" me down!Thank You for all of the support and love we have received from friends- meals, phone calls, just the thought that I could call any of these people if I need anything! Also, thank You for a reminder from a dear friend and mentor to stay in the Word right now, more than ever! Lord, my prayer is that You would help me to find the time to fill up on Your Word. Thank You for Your continued presence and so many answered prayers!
Let's meditate on Psalm 139:13-16"For You created my inmost being, You knit me together in my mother's womb (and as I look at Abigail, I am amazed at how He knit her together in my womb! He knit together her personality, her dark hair, her blue eyes, everything about her!). I praise You because I am wonderfully and fearfully made! (Wow! each one of us is unique! How amazing God is! What an incredible Creator! Looking at Abigail's little fingers and toes- so tiny. Even as I change her diapers I amazed at how each part of her body was made to work a certain way!); Your works are wonderful! I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, YOUR EYES SAW MY UNFORMED BODY. (Selah! Stop and think on that!) All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be. (Isn't that wonderful??? All of Abigail's days God already knows! He has written each day in His book and knows what will happen!) Praise You, Lord!"
I cannot name myself as one
Who never goes astray,
Who never stumbles on the road,
Or leaves the hallowed way.
But when I know that baby feet
Will follow where I've trod,
I walk with care that
They too may walk
That road that leads to God." - Margaret Fishback Powers
Lord, we Praise You and thank You! Your blessings and miracles are all around us. Give us eyes to see You, Lord, never to take for granted all that You do and all that You are. Lord, I pray that You would help me be the mother You have called me to be. I know I will make mistakes, and I know I will be forgiven in You. Help me to be a Light shining for You, especially for my children. Help me to "walk with care" so that they will look to You, Father! Praise You, Jesus! In the Most Mighty Name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
Blessings to all of you, dear ones!
Posted by Tracy Berta-daughter to the King, wife, mother, speaker, writer at 10:43 AM
Thankful Thursday
Christian Women Online is celebrating their blogoversary and they are giving away lots of great prizes including an MP3 Player, lots of great books, CDs, and a free blog design from Split Decisionz!!
Head on over now to enter! Thanks Art Bookbindery! Check it out at http://www.artbookbindery.com/
Only one thing is needed............As I was reading this morning, God led me to Psalm 27-
"ONE THING I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek Him in His temple." -Psalm 27:4
Oh, Lord, how that hit me this morning! ONE THING, ONE THING, ONE THING....Is that the ONE THING I ask of the Lord? Is that what I seek? Is that what I want more than anything- to gaze upon the His beauty and to seek Him with all of my heart? It occured to me that if I would begin seeking ONE THING, all of the other things would "fall into place."
I want to SEEK God with all of my heart, mind, and soul! I want to seek Him as treasure. "...you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart." God promises that we will find Him. He is NOT hiding! It is not like a game of hide-and-seek where you try to hide from the seeker and NOT be found to win the game. God WANTS us to look for Him. He wants us to turn to HIM. He wants us to FIND Him. He just asks ONE THING- that is with our whole heart- not a divided devotion. He doesn't want to share our love with idols or other things that would pull our heart from Him. He wants us to make Him our ONE THING! He wants us to hunger for Him! God wants us to seek after Him in an intimate, real, living, breathing relationship with Him.
As I pondered, "ONE THING," I immediately thought about Mary and Martha and what Jesus taught them and us about ONE THING.
These sisters both dearly loved Jesus, and were dearly loved by Jesus. He came often to visit and teach them. As the story goes, Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus while Martha was preparing a meal for them. In fact, the Bible says, “Martha was distracted by her many tasks.” You know, I’m sure Jesus would have been happy with peanut butter and jelly, but Martha must have been putting out quite a spread. Well, there is our Martha, “distracted by her many tasks,” and getting irritated at her sister.
Can’t you picture her in the kitchen, having a “pity party,” talking to herself, listing all of the things she is doing WITHOUT any help? As she is working, she is getting madder and madder that she is the only one doing these tasks. I picture her slamming the cabinet doors, banging the dishes down. Sighing loudly, thinking that if Mary and Jesus hear, maybe they will "get it?"
Finally, Martha explodes! She comes to Jesus, whining, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”
Now, take a step back, and look at what Martha is doing- she is making a meal for JESUS. She is serving the Lord. She is doing a “good” thing. Like, Martha, I can fill my life with so many distractions- sometimes very “good” things, and like Martha, I get overwhelmed and frustrated, and I begin feeling sorry for myself, and I, too, usually explode. “Don’t You care, Lord? I’m doing this all by myself! Make Brian help me.”
What does Jesus tell Martha? He says, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken from her.”
How many times when I am banging doors, slamming dishes, and sighing loudly, having my own pity party, feeling sorry for myself, complaining that life is not fair, do I hear my Lord whisper to me, “Tracy, Tracy, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed.”
The ONE THING that is needed is getting to feet of Jesus, like Mary. It is putting everything else aside and spending this close, intimate time with Him. ONE thing, only one thing! You see, when you are at the feet of Jesus, you hear his voice. You are still and quiet and listening. You are in a posture of looking up. He will whisper to you what is important, what His will is. You may find that His priorities for you are much different than your own. You begin to hear and understand, and begin to ask, “In light of eternity, what really matters? What is really important?”
And, notice what Jesus says, “Mary has chosen what is better, AND IT WON’T BE TAKEN FROM HER.” Don’t skip that message from Jesus. You see, Satan loves to attack us in this area. He tries to make us feel guilty for being unproductive. We think, “We got to get up and get some work done! There is laundry, there are dishes, there are bills to pay!” But, Jesus is telling us to not be distracted by these things, that it is better to sit at His feet, and when we choose to, it won’t be taken from us.
So, I pray the prayer of David, "One thing I ask of you, Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life (Lord, I want to DWELL in your presence, completely filled with you. I want to be filled to the measure with all the fullness of God. I want to draw near to you. Lord, my desire is to ABIDE in you!), to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord (Lord, you ARE altogether beautiful, altogether wonderful to me!) and to seek Him" (Lord, I choose to seek you with all my heart. Lord, you are the treasure I seek). Father, help me to remember that only ONE thing is needed- to sit at your feet. Help me to make you my ONE THING! In the precious name
We have all seen the bracelets (or heard of them), WWJD- What Would Jesus Do. Although I never bought one, the concept is the cry of my heart. I want to "do" things- do life the way Jesus would do it. I want to shine the light of Jesus by BEING- in my words, in my actions, my reactions. Lord, I feel like I have "backslidden" in this area! I want to reflect the light of Christ in everything I do, in everything I am.
Listen to what Kay Arthur says:
"When we stand before Him, one second in eternity will erase all care and thought of anything except whether or not we allowed the situations of life to make us more like Him. So remember, every situation that requires us to crucify our desires, our reactions, is an opportunity to let people see Jesus in us."
Oh, how my heart cries, "Amen!" How I want to allow the situations of life to make me more like Him. But, first I need to surrender myself to Him. I need to crucify my SELFISH nature and allow Jesus to be BIG in ME! How I want you, Jesus, to reign in my life! So, why do I keep pushing you off of the throne? Why do I step up and take over???????
I love when John the Baptist said, "I must decrease so that He (Jesus) may increase." That is my prayer, God! I want to decrease so that you may increase!
I want Jesus to be increased in my reactions when life isn't going my way. I want Jesus to be increased when I need an extra dose of patience and self-control (both fruit of the spirit- I have them already- but I want them to INCREASE in me!). I want Jesus to increase when I am being judgemental in my thinking of others. I want Jesus to increase when I should be more merciful. I want Jesus to increase in me so that I can forgive "yet while they are still sinners"- not waiting for an apology or for them to "get what they deserve." I want Jesus to be increased so that I can love how He LOVES. I want Jesus to increase in me so that I will obey the will of the Father. I want Jesus to increase in me so that I will trust and believe- not just in my head, but in my heart so that it is evident in my actions!
"For we who live are constantly being delivered over to death for Jesus' sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested (revealed) in our mortal flesh." -2Corinthians 4:11
"Let us keep our eyes on Jesus, the AUTHOR and PERFECTER of our faith..."- Hebrews 12:2
"...He that began a good work in you will carry it on to completion....."-Philippians 1:6
"Therefore, I urge you, believers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. This is your spiritual act of worship."-Romans 12:1
Father God, praise you! Lord, you are good, you are glorious. Thank you for Jesus Christ. Thank you for grace and your Holy Spirit which empowers me to live my life in Jesus Christ! I don't have to react to situations the way my flesh wants. I don't have to lose my temper. I don't have to complain. I don't have to worry or fear. Lord, I don't have to do this in my own strength. "...your grace is sufficient for all my needs- where I am weak, you are strong!" I don't have to rely on or in my strength. But, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Help me to decrease, Jesus, so that you may increase. Help me to remember that every time I crucify my selfish reactions, my wrong thinking, my desires, it is an opportunity to allow Jesus to shine through me. Help me to allow you to be BIG in me. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.
Hey moms and dads, there is a cool giveaway at "Seven Dogs and a Baby." Stop by and check it out! (hint hint neat learning products!)
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