Smells like......

Do you have a sensitive nose? Are you sensitive to smells?
When I came in this morning from my early morning prayer walk, after some wonderful time with the Lord, I was welcomed with the beautiful fragrance of my mom (who is visiting us). She was sitting in the kitchen and I could smell her lovely perfume the moment I came in....flowery, fruity, "girlie" mom! And, when I walked in to Abigail's room, I was assaulted with the smell of a very stinky diaper!!! I had to laugh because God was really "driving home" what He had just taught me on m walk!

After prayer and praise, talking to God, the Holy Spirit had just convicted me of some "smelly" behavior and lost opportunities to shine His Light. Without going in to all of the details, He brought two examples to my mind.

One example happened last night....

I had definitely NOT been m husband's "biggest fan", complaining about him to m mom. God had given me the opportunity to be a wife who honored her husband, even in the "irritations." I COULD have been the P31 woman, bringing honor to him, but instead had complained about him. I had the opportunity to be his "help-meet"- but "blew it." (Funny, too, since I have been studying this in the book, "Captivating". I love how God gives us opportunities to LIVE out what we are learning!!!)

The second example that God brought to mind was something that happened over a year ago. I had not even thought about it until this AM.....But God brought it to my mind- when walking, I greeted a neighbor who was also out walking, said a friendly hello and smiled. It was then that God reminded me of this neighbor and how I had "blew it" in another opportunity He had given me.

Let me explain.....Andrew had sold her Boy Scout popcorn and she wouldn't (or couldn't?) pay for it when we came to deliver/collect. All of my kids were with me when this happened. So, when we got back out to the car, I had some pretty "choice" words to say about her. It had been an opportunity to show grace and mercy to her in front of my kids. She never heard my complaints, but God heard and my kids saw that I was angry and talked badly about her.... I had had the perfect opportunity to be graceful and merciful, teaching my children these traits, even if the neighbor never knew...

So, as God revealed these two examples to me, it broke my heart. I had missed the opportunities to shine the Light of Christ to others...

Now, I knew God had forgiven me, that was not the issue. I received His forgiveness, but I was saddened that I had grieved the Holy Spirit.

What came through my mind was, "I had had the opportunity to be the 'aroma of Christ', but instead (my behavior) had been a "stench in the nostrils of God (like the Israelites). And, of course, I just had to LAUGH when He further "drove it home" by giving me the two different smells when I walked in!!!!

Father God, may I be a sweet aroma of Christ. I want to "smell" like You! I want to shine Your light. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

5 thoughts shared....:

Lauren said...

I just found your blog and wanted to say hi! This was a beautiful thought; thank you for sharing it.

Laurie Ann said...

It's so awesome the ways God chooses to convict us. He even uses smells! I love the analogy and how you showed what you could have done to be the aroma. God shines so brightly through you. Your posts are such an encouragement and inspiration.

Unknown said...

thanks for stopping by. So good to "meet" you! I know I've said it before, but I just absolutely LOVE your header. It is so neat!

Have you written a book? You say your an author. I have had thoughts of putting together a ladies devotional, but wouldn't even know where to start!


Leah Adams said...

Aren't we fortunate that we are the recipients of forgiveness and second chances?? How desperately I need both!!


lori said...

Ohhhh Tracy that was good...and Oh so true for me as well...I could KICK myself when I don't respond the way I KNOW I should...

The "aroma" of Christ....You know we continually are on the same wavelength...I did my HOTM in May about the FRAGRANCE that we are sending up....
You brought it all back!
Our "scent" does's one of the first things they SMELL!!

great post!! You need to use this one at the Cafe!!
